
East Coast Elite League

Eastern US

MHR Abbv. ECEL Commissioner Coming Soon
Location Eastern US League Contact Coming Soon
Website http://www.ecelhockey.com Est. Date Coming Soon
League Type(s) Youth Social Media Coming Soon

Affiliated with this league? League accounts are coming soon!

Divison Name # of Teams Top-Ranked Team Avg. Rating
ECEL 18U Premier 8 Connecticut Elite Hockey Academy 18U AAA (95.71) 92.17
ECEL 18U Showcase 6 Mount Academy (#1) U18 Prep (93.38) 89.80
ECEL 16U Premier 10 Palmyra Black Knights 16U AAA (93.44) 91.35
ECEL 16U Showcase 6 NC Golden Bears (ECEL) 16U AA (89.67) 86.04
ECEL Bantam 6 Palmyra Black Knights 07 AAA (92.91) 89.39
MYHockey Tournaments Cloche